The Traveller

It's unfortunate, but I think universal, in that perception is tainted by our mood, attitude, sense of well being - basically who we are. I'm in St. Louis and granted down by the tracks where I'm staying isn't the most impressive part of the city, but I can see how it could be considered nice. Walking around last night though, I just thought it was old, used up, something that used to be that hasn't gotten around to being anything new yet. Some places have a sense of old, stateliness that impresses or awes a visitor. Sorry, just couldn't see it here.

But it could have just been me. I distinctly remember the first time going through the Chicago airport being wowed by the light and sound show in the underground walkway (very cool if you haven't been there). The next time I didn't see the walkway, but loved gazing at the Brachiosaurus skeleton. The next time the Chicago airport was dirty, crowded, noisy, ugly. It was all the same place, but the perceptions were wildly disparate.

So I got to thinking, maybe I can gauge my attitude and well being, by how I perceive the world around me. Am I happier when I notice the beauty and interesting details in the places I visit? Or do I notice the good things because I am happy?

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