Evil Designs

Read an article in Discover magazine recently. Turns out that moral decisions are hardwired into the brain. That is it takes conscious effort to overcome, or not do the "right" thing in a situation.

I would propose that hard-wiring is the Light of Christ / conscience / the tendency to do right.

Yet the article went on to say that advancement in society / civilization is due to logically overriding some of that moral programming in our brain. Completely following that hard-wiring would stagnate society, would prevent advancement.

The greater point that seemed to base the article - if conscience / morality is hard-wired, then there is no higher power. If there is no God, there is no right or wrong, just decisions, either following what instinct tells us to do, or following what logic tells us to do.

I reject that. If morality is hard-wired into our brains - then I say science has found the conscience / the Light of Christ given to all men that the world would have us reject. God's gift to us to try and get us to step off on the right foot.

The world would deny and destroy God to eliminate our responsibility for our actions. Instead we should glorify the evidence of God found all around - and inside - us!

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