Introducing - The Addition

OK, first off this is not meant to be an example of my photographic prowess. These are some snapshots of the new addition. For those of you that have been to the house this section is off our eating area - the little hall that leads to the garage. First the hall -

Next up is the downstairs bathroom - now with a shower!

On to the new laundry room - formerly my office. These were taken before everything was in place, but you get the idea.

Now my Sweetie's new office, so she can be creative and write lots of books to entertain small children. Sorry, door wasn't up yet. It is now ;-)

And finally, my new little hidey-hole (with a view of the back yard still trashed from construction). Loving it!

1 comment:

Menjiness said...

I love it!!! I think I need to see it in person *wink*