How are Airplanes like Databases?

Ok, when I was a DBA, we had a rule about doing maintenance during working hours, that is any time customers could be using the database. That's why I worked many nights and we did round the clock maintenance when it had to be done. So, I'm flying back from Orlando via Chicago. The UNITED flight to Portland originally scheduled for 8:12 departure was already bumped to 8:51 when I got to Chicago. That's ok, not too bad. So we get on the plane and after they get everyone seated they tell us they need to upgrade the software on the plane. It didn't work. They tried it three times, then went and got another disk and it finally worked. The plane had just flown in from somewhere, so my only thought is they needed to get the maintenance done before the worker needed to be paid overtime. DON'T DO SOFTWARE UPGRADES DURING CUSTOMER USE! So two and a half hours later, we took off. Got home just after 2AM.

Oh, if you'd like to see a little of what I do (not a shining example, but a sample just the same) go to

1 comment:

Jeffry Byrd said...

Ok. So now I know what you do for a living. Yeah right! I tried to figure out the copy you write, but I got lost somewhere in the 2nd paragraph. I'll stick with drawing stuff I guess.