What I did last summer

And now for the promised Fiddler pictures.
These are from our tech rehearsal.

This is me hanging with Tevya.
Yes, the beard was real, but now it's gone.

Here is me as a bottle dancer...
(We had black coats for our performances)

and me in winter (in the tan coat).

Here is my Lovely Wife - as Frumah Sara.

Here's a wider shot of the dream scene.
I'm hiding in the background.

Here are a couple with Laura as a villager.
She's the one in red.
And look, I'm in the first one too.

It was a wonderful experience being in Fiddler with my Sweetie. We had a great cast and when it finally came down to the performances, we put so much heart into it, we had as much fun performing as the audience had watching. Would I do another play? Well, maybe, if it was a story I liked, but if I had the chance to do Fiddler again, I'd be there in a heartbeat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. I am envious that you get to do a play. I would love to try this again... someday.

- jeff
(for some reason my id shows up as owen)