
I haven't decided on an adjective for this Autumn's season yet. On a down day I'd say dreary without a second thought. On a crisp day, when the low sun is shining and the Fall colors are glowing, I'd use beautiful, or majestic or even radiant. But on a rainy day like today, even with wind blowing and the general dishevelment of drippy blowing scenery, I'd say that Autumn is elegant in it's muted display of bold colors or even graceful as it descends slowly into winter's slumber.


Do you have a favorite sense?

My sense of smell is my strongest sense, but because of that causes as much discomfort as enjoyment.
I take my sense of taste for granted, but do enjoy strong flavors. I think, maybe my taste for spices and spicy foods has diminished my ability to savor subtle flavors.
Sense of touch? Too much pain there currently (headaches and such) so ask me later.
I have to say sight would be the one I derive the most enjoyment from. I love looking, watching, experiencing the beauty that's in the world. A beautiful sunset is always awe inspiring, never grows old.
Oh wait, I forgot about that little thing called hearing. I've got a bad ear, so my hearing causes me as much trouble as enjoyment (half heard conversations, missed words) but I do enjoy complex music and strong rhythms.
So even though I still have to say sight rules as favorite, I wanted to add a couple of quick thoughts on sounds of seasons, natural sounds, not people or man made.

Spring: water, light rain, melting snow, splashing puddles, birdsong
Summer: storms, insects, the itchy, irritated, dusty, crisp sound of a very hot summer day
Fall: the drip of the first winter rains, wind through half dead leaves, the crunch of fallen leaves, the whispery scratch of dead leaves blown across a landscape going dormant
Winter: silence

Been a while ...

So I thought I'd just put up some thoughts.

Updated my reading list, and realized, I've got some good ones coming up, and some good ones I've missed. Have been reading whatever looked good off the quickie-mart shelves in the airport, and it's mostly been worthless. A couple I didn't even finish. Future reads will be higher quality.

I really enjoy fall! Bright days. Cool air. Warm clothes.